Man and woman on a business trip sitting in the back of a taxi to their hote

Business travel

The quality, reliability and comfort of KLM
Arrange your business trip online in a single booking
Earn Flying Blue Miles on your entire trip
Safe and secure. With the certainty of SGR guarantee


Economy class
3 days, from
Find deal
Including all mandatory costs.


United Kingdom
Economy class
3 days, from
Find deal
Including all mandatory costs.
New York

New York

Economy class
5 days, from
Find deal
Including all mandatory costs.
Fares apply per person based on a trip for two persons. Indicated fares are the lowest available based on a return flight, including all mandatory costs. Excluding any credit card costs. Prices may vary based on fare availability for flight, hotel and/or car.
Flying Blue

Flying Blue

When booking a KLM Holidays package trip, you receive Flying Blue Miles for your entire trip. Simply fill in your Flying Blue number when making your booking and the Miles are automatically added to your tally after you have completed the trip.

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