Take advantage of additional discounts on KLM Holidays package trips during the Real Deal Days. With KLM Holidays you can put together your ideal holiday – including flights, accommodation and, if wished, transport. Book your dream holiday now at an extra discount!
Who Els craves a city trip. Els van Roode – from popular dating show B&B Vol Liefde – asked her followers for tips and put together her perfect city trip to Rome with KLM Holidays.
Nasrdin Dchar – actor and playwright – asked his followers for tips for a city trip and then put together his ideal package holiday to Lisbon for himself and his family with KLM Holidays.
Bo Wilkes – from Dutch reality TV show Echte Gooische Moeders – asked her followers for tips for a family holiday with young children and put together her ideal holiday to Curaçao with KLM Holidays.
Do you want to know more about KLM Holidays, the benefits of travelling with KLM, or how to travel well-prepared?